Donald Trump Seeks Reformation of H1B Visa

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The US President Donald Trump on Monday declared that he will be passing a new executive order on the reformation of H1B visa. He said that he wants to retool the h!B visas for skilled workers that are looked forward to by the Silicon Valley companies.

The H1B visa is an opportunity to many Indians of different fields, mainly computer engineers and programmers to enter the USA. However, this executive order will have a limited scope because of the absence of broader legislative plan. The President is all set to sign an order in Kenosha, Wisconsin to the Labor, Justice and Homeland security departments ordering reform of the H1B program from the roots.

A White House official said that the, “original intent (was) awarding visas to the most skilled and highest paid applicants- crucially, at such time as these reforms are eventually implemented, it will prevent the program from being used to displace American workers.” The White House also said that, “For too long, rather than just allowing the best to come. The H-1B program has been applied in a bad way for US workers,” and this new order will aim at Trump’s vision of ‘Buy American, Hire American’.

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In the first week of April, the Security officials have issued that there will be strict norms to prohibit to remove fraud and abuse of the H1B visas. This news came along with the annual allocation of H1B visas which is set to 85,000 limit this year. The President cannot change the number of alocated visas, but hopes for legislative reform by the signing of this decree.

The United States issues 85,000 visas every year, but because of over-booking of the number of applications, the visas are issued by lottery system to the applicants. The executive order controls the number of visas that are issued to Indians in different categories.